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Caterpillar Kite


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The Caterpillar Kite has a very unique design and shape which is different from most kites you may see. It is made from ripstop fabric and carbon frame. When the kite is flying in the air, it will shake and twist continuously like crawling and moving away quite vividly and fancy.

Type of kite

Show Kite

Flutes to carry



Ripstop Nylon



Suitable wind level



The Caterpillar Kite has a very unique design and shape which is different from most kites you may see. It is made from ripstop fabric and carbon frame. When the kite is flying in the air, it will shake and twist continuously like crawling and moving away quite vividly and fancy.

This kite is suitable for flights in the wind speed of 15-25 kph and at a height of 10-50 meters in altitude.

– Materials: High quality ripstop nylon, colors as shown in the picture.
– Size: 350x150cm.
– Wind: 2-5 grade.


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